
18 weeks!

Today I am 18 weeks!  My baby is the size of a bell pepper!  Whoo hoo!

“Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and he weighs almost 7 ounces.  He’s busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead.  His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they’re still standing out from his head a bit.  If you’re having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place.  If you’re having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.”


get excited.

I’m in the mood to create something.  Greg and I are talking about crafting a baby armoir…nothing fancy, just functional.  All we need are two ingredients: a wood scrapyard + time.


superhero material.

anna3anna2This little one, called Anna Sue, is what you would call superhero material.  She could probably talk a robber out of thievery, or a bandit out of banditry.  She’s one of a kind — full of wit, spirit, and has a knack for baking cakes (so her Betty Aunty says…).  I think Anna should have her own tv show of some adventurous chatty baking sort.  Kinda like Dora the Explorer, but instead, Anna, Ace Adventurer & Baking Extroardinaire.

patchwork quilt.

I’ve been, oh, so patiently waiting for this Pottery Barn quilt to go on sale!  It’s such a darling quilt.  I came across it while Ohio Becky was showing me the firefly quilt she got for her own daughters.  The hodgepodge of vintage colors and designs are what I like best in quilts.  It’s simple, but still quite detailed in it’s quilting.  It’s the kind of quilt I’m always drawn to in antique stores.  “This quilt is a modern take on the ancient wedding-ring quilt pattern, originally created in the fourth century, which features two interlocking rings and is known for its romantic connotation.”

While it was originally created for a wedding quilt design, it’s the kind of quilt that reminds me of family — mothers or grandmothers quilting for their children or grandchildren.  Sometimes this sort of quilt reminds me of The Underground Railroad.  Other times it reminds me of a quaint old house far out in the country surrounded by gardens, ancient trees, and an old iron-wrought fence.  Or, it could be that this quilt was designed for fall nights under the covers, drinking freshly simmered hot apple cider and reading tales of how Mrs. Pigglewiggle deals with naughty children.  It’s the kind of quilt I’d like to make history with my children.  : )


16 weeks!

Today I am 16 weeks!  My baby is the size of an avocado!

“Get ready for a growth spurt.  In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length.  His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head.  His ears are close to their final position, too.  The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren’t recognizable yet.”


artful blogging.

art5The other day my beach mom (Greg’s mother) gave me a copy of Artful Blogging.  I never knew this magazine even existed.  (Isn’t it so fun to come across things that you never knew existed?)  This was one of those times…the magazine is really wonderful!

Artful Blogging consists of the most creative + artistic blogs out there.  Creative with regard to handmade goods, innovative fashion + home decor ideas, photography, art, sewing and the skill of wordsmithing.  I just love reading it — it’s like picking up a book of short stories and reading into the real lives of creative people everywhere.

It’s quite inspiring to say the least.  Thanks Mom!


yard sales.

Greg and I visited around eight yard sales on Saturday.  It was such a sun-shiney day that there were plenty of them to choose from on almost every other corner.  We were on the hunt for a lawnmower.  We didn’t find a mower, but I did find these fantastic pottery mugs.  They were priced at $1/piece, but we only had a total of $2 on us.  I was going to just purchase 2 mugs, but Greg said I should ask the elderly man for all 6.  So I asked the man if he would do 6 mugs for $2 — he said, “yeah, why not?”

These pretty little mugs remind me of Holland for some reason.  They remind me of the time Ohio Becky went to Holland when I was a kid, and she brought me back a little porcelain clog with blue design work.  The beautiful blue design work is so typical of Hollish designs on dinnerware, jewelery, and artwork.

Love them.



For the first time since we moved back to Maryland, I had my first Obstetrics + Gynaecology (OBGYN) appointment yesterday.  A few of my friends in Maryland are also pregnant, so I decided to choose a doctor based on one of their recommendations (thanks Rohini!).  I wanted to go to an office that also offered the option of choosing a midwife…from what I’ve heard, the age-old practice of midwife deliveries are more calmer and more personal.  When my mom heard about my desire for a midwife, she was concerned.  : )

My mom came with me to my appointment.  We met with a midwife named Jeanine.  She was wonderful.  For the most part she was as knowledgeable as a doctor, she is all about natural deliveries, she’s strong in personality, she’s funny, she’s delivered 700 babies, and what I am most excited about is that we think she is a Christian.  After answering all the questions I had, she spoke the words I was waiting to hear, “and now it’s time to hear your baby’s heartbeat.”  And a perfectly strong heartbeat it was.


“Midwifery.  The word brings to mind a pregnant woman in a softly lit room, laboring with intent, touched and tended by gentle women who are experienced and wise in the ways of labor and birth.  One role of midwives is to protect the sanctity of birth and to honor and cherish women both as they strive to bring forth new life and throughout their lives.

Historically, the word “midwife” has been translated to mean “with woman,” implying a trusted presence and compassionate caring as rock-solid and immutable as the force of labor.  In more recent times, the phrase “with woman” has been expanded to mean caring for women across the lifespan; many midwives now have clinical expertise in and offer a wide array of women‘s health services such as reproductive health care, care of reproductive health problems, and primary care services.

An alternate way of interpreting the phrase “with woman” is not simply being present and providing service to women, but validating women‘s experience of being female and creating environments where women are empowered to find their own voices.  The compassionate care of women is the byproduct of a culture of respect, not only of women, but also of the mystery and miracle of fertility and procreation.”  — this excerpt was taken from the article, “Keeping the Midwifery Legacy Alive”

This link will direct you to an interesting list of articles from the magazine publication, Midwifery Today.